Wednesday, January 23, 2013

reading is sexy...but its even hotter in the kitchen

On Sunday I started a project that I've been meaning to do for a few months now - ever since we moved my bookshelf into the kitchen. Styled bookshelves have become one of my home-decor-stalking guilty pleasures and I couldn't wait to try it myself! 

So when Seth finally said he was moving my books into the garage for storage, I was kicked into gear. Hellz no are my Harry Potter books going into the garage...oh hell no! 
And so began my little project.

You know, things would really be better if I had just invested in a "real" bookshelf - like, a sturdy one, not the $20 one at Target. But, alas, I am poor and do not have the extra moula to splurge on such finery. 

We put out the "fine china" - aka plates, bowls and cups we got from our wedding but have never used - as well as my similarly unused punch bowl and drink dispenser (but they have a job booked in March!!).
I wanted to incorporate my hardcover books into the kitchen bookshelf along with dishes and some jars that were taking up counter space (sugar, flour, tea, etc.), but wanted to make sure that the shelf looked mostly like it belonged in the kitchen. Using some artistry and some husbandly help (for the heavy stuff), I think I came up with a pretty decent display:

Before you think of doing anything like this, please please please mount/brace/somehow attach you bookshelf to the wall. Especially if you are planning on having glass sitting on the shelves. The photo above, although nice looking, was taken after a cute thrift store jar fell and broke and a punch cup fell on my head then the floor (not breaking, amazingly). Um, we still need to take our own advice as the bookshelf has not been stabilized yet (bad future parent move?)...but its gonna happen, I swear!

The mixed book covers just aren't cutting it for me. 

I saw a cute display on pinterest once where the books were all recovered with brown paper...and I just happen to have a bunch left over from Christmas! I should've blogged my pretty wrappings, but alas, I did not. So just know that they were super cute! But...not the point! The point is I have a lot of that craft paper left over so it won't cost me a penny to recover my books (if you want to follow suit, just know that I scored these rolls of brown craft paper at the Dollar Tree...I'm in love with that store)!

 Here's to hoping that I will have another post about covering those books...when I get around to it. 

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