Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Lazy Mom

I'm a lazy mom and I'm not ashamed. 

Here's my lazy mom 101:

1. Cloth diapering: you never have to go to the store to buy diapers! Just wash the dirty ones and reuse. This lazy tidbit has a bonus: environmentally friendly! Who knew you could be lazy and a hippie too?!

2. Baby-led weaning: make dinner. Plop it on your kid's tray. Watch them scarf food. While you scarf food. No feeding baby spoonful by spoonful or making nasty purees! Just give 'em what everyone else is having!

3. Baby wearing: who has time to entertain a kiddo and cook dinner or wash clothes or frolic around at the same time? Slap your kid in a wrap or a sling and carry on with your business!

4. Go tubless: donate that baby tub! We used ours a total of maybe 3 times. Instead, Avery either showers with her daddy or takes a bath! I'm too lazy to control a wiggly kid in that little slippery tub - hey, you save water too by bathing together!

5. Bed-sharing: got a babe who wakes up all night? Too lazy to get up and soothe her? Just let her sleep in your bed (with caution, of course). Who doesn't love baby snuggles? I mean, sure you may wake up with a finger in your nose or little toesies in your back, but you didn't have to get out of bed, right? Right!

6. Less toys, more fun (for you): ok - those toys may be fun to buy, but does your kid really need that dollhouse or video game system before the age of 1? The answer is: NO. Also, do you really want to clean up all those crying baby dolls and video game controllers? I think not. Trust me, your kid will be just fine with a few wood blocks, a ball and a little toy car. Or just a box. Really.

7. Ditch the creams, ointments and lotions: ugh. Who has time to sort through all the different diaper creams, ointments and baby lotions out there? Not me. Also, I'm lazy. So I use coconut oil - for everything. Got a rashy kid? Coconut oil. Got a kid with a cut on their butt from scratching too much (this happened)? Coconut oil. Dry skinned kiddo? Coconut, beotches.

8. TV: so, this is your babysitter when you want to have the luxury of a shower. That's it. The only way a shower happens is if Blues Fucking Clues is playing. I don't know what the not-lazy mom does when she needs to shower, but the lazy mom DEFINITELY uses the TV.

9. Teething tablets: when those teefers are coming in, it could be the only thing that shuts your little one up. Also, pop 'em for restless babes too! So easy.

10. Do your research: this is the KEY to being a lazy mom. Research EVERYTHING. Do what works for your family. A lazy mom is one who is informed. You can't expect to know the tricks of you don't look them up! So do your research and don't just follow those "super moms" blindly!

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