Wednesday, August 14, 2013

pulling for results (hopefully)

Oil pulling. Have you heard of it? I had a few times here and there on natural living blogs, but never seriously considered trying it. Until last week.

My tooth was hurting a little bit. I opened my mouth and looked in the mirror. I'm pretty sure I have like, 3 small cavities. I don't think I've ever had a cavity before. I also haven't been to the dentist in like 4 years (hangs head in shame). 

I was browsing Facebook the same day that I found those little black spots and saw that one of my Facebook friends was starting to oil pull. And I thought, "ok, maybe I should give this a go." Then I saw this blog post
and decided that maybe this could really help 
me out.

I'm using coconut oil and I have to admit that 
unless you melt your oil prior to putting it in 
your mouth, it's kinda gross.
You have to chew the oil to melt's weird. 
Anyway, you swish the oil in your mouth for 15-
20 minutes (in the morning, before brushing).
And don't spit coconut oil down the sink or it 
will clog when it cools down!

You can use pretty much any oil, but I've heard 
that coconut tastes the best and olive oil can
 leave a yellow film on your teeth, and nobody 
wants that.
Also, don't swallow the oil! It's pulling out all the
 yucky toxins and bacteria from your mouth and
 you don't want to ingest that...gross!

So lets hope this works! I should get Seth to try 
it out too...he really needs to jump on my 
healthy living bandwagon.

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