Monday, October 14, 2013

Avery is 6 months old

Avery turned 6 months old on Saturday and I truly cannot believe that my baby has been in the world for half of a year! Seth and I have been blessed with one of the happiest, most good natured baby I've known and we couldn't be more proud of her. 

At the pediatrician yesterday, Avery's growth is right on point: 14 lbs. 6 oz. (25th %), 26.5 in long (50-75th %), and a head circumference of 16.5 in (50th %). Still a peanut, still in 3 month and 3 to 6 month clothing!

We have been practicing our own form of attachment parenting with Avery - no crying it out, baby wearing, lots of kisses and hugs and attention and love - and it's working so wonderfully for us. I don't think we ever thought of ourselves as capable of being "attached" parents, but once you get past the stigmas created by modern parenting, attachment parenting is really just the most natural thing, and comes to us so naturally. 

Avery is becoming so independent (which is true of most babies raised with attachment parenting, contrary to what some people think) and wants to do things on her own so badly. 

She is a fan of "standing" and "walking." Neither can be done on her own yet but it's all she wants to do!

Avery can sit on her own and loves to play on the floor with her toys.

Beverages are a new love of Avery's. Anything that looks as if she can drink out of it (thermoses, pop cans, cups, whatever) she wants it. She doesn't actually get to drink out of it, but just putting her mouth to it is enough.

Avery has 2 teeth! Right on the bottom. We didn't even realize she was getting a tooth when the first one poked through (I think the amber necklace works!) but she's having a bit of trouble with the second tooth. Not too bad, just some extra fussing in the evenings. 

Avery wants to get hold of her puppy-brother, Auto, soooo badly but he just doesn't want her. We keep telling him he's in trouble when she becomes mobile. 

Still hates being on her belly so now that she can roll over, she does it almost the instant her belly hits the floor!

She still loves phones and tablets and computers - which can be a bit tricky when we need to use them and she's trying to steal our phones away to play!

Babyled weaning is a slow process, but Avery is enjoying eating more every day! So far she has tried: avocado, bananas, butternut squash, mango, pineapple, carrots, apples, sweet potatoes and regular potatoes (and chocolate...on accident...because macarons are delicious - that was only a one time thing and only a teeny taste). She seems to be enjoying her squash the most right now! 

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