Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Avery is 7 months old!

So, our kid has made it 7 months now and she just keeps on developing her own little personality. She's stubborn and flirty and friendly and funny and impatient and nosy and smart. And we love her so much.

Avery isn't crawling yet. She doesn't care for being on her belly so she just flips over every time and prefers to get around by scooting with the back of her head. She did scoot in her butt a bit last night...but only because she really, really, really wanted my pizza.

Eating is going really well! It wasa slow start, but Avery's palate is expanding: her favorites are breads, green beans, squashes, cucumbers and frozen blueberries and pineapple. She also eats scrambled eggs, pasta, lettuce (weird but she likes to suck on it), tomatoes, potatoes and some other stuff that I'm probably forgetting.

She can still wear 3 month onesies, but 3 month pants are too short yet fit around the waist. She can also wear 6 month clothing although some are still too big. 

Avery has discovered her loud voice - screaming is something that can regularly be heard throughout our house. And growling. And creepy rhythmic growling when she's "talking" herself to sleep in the car. Our kid is kinda weird. 

Still cloth diapering at home. Gramma uses disposables most of the time at her house during the day when she's watching Avery, but she's starting to have a reaction to them so I think we need to invest in more cloth so she can have some during the week days. 

Avery's hair fit into its first little ponytail the other day! It's just a pokey little thing and really serves no purpose, but it's so damn cute (and even more so with 2)!

Still having some trouble sleeping through the night. We are working on thinking of some way to make the nights easier for Avery (and for us!) but our plan will still not include crying it out. Maybe a little more fussing but no crying. 

I have a confession: I was super against letting Avery watch TV at all as a baby...but she loves it. I've recently discovered that her love for Blue's Clues reruns surpasses all and "Steve" is an excellent baby sitter, giving me time to shower and get ready some mornings. Or eat. Or do laundry. Or just sit. Don't judge.

Avery loves to sit on the floor and play with her toys (which are few, but we kind of like it that way!) or in her high hair with spoons, spatulas and measuring cups.

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