Thursday, February 13, 2014

Avery is 10 Months Old!

Avery turned 10 months old yesterday and I can't believe it...she will be ONE YEAR OLD IN 2 MONTHS.

We have a one-legged-speed crawler on our hands...she's super quick and super naughty.

Avery loves the remote control (not the one that doesn't have batteries that we have her to play with) and when we take that away, she knows where other various remote controls are located and just goes to get those.

Avery's favorite room in the house is the bathroom! There are so so many things to do in there: flush the toilet, unroll the toilet paper, almost pull the over-the-toilet shelf thing on top of know, fun stuff.

Pads and tampons (not used, duh) are fascinating toys! Just about every morning Avery dumps the boxes out on the floor to "sort."

Changing tables, jackets, boots, hats, gloves, clothes and diapers in general are the devil. Avery would just rather not.

Avery's room is used so little (never) that it is currently a holding cell for bins of stuff she has outgrown and her clean clothes that have not yet been put away. 

Still bed sharing.

Avery LOVES water. She loves to drink it, splash it, poop in it, all the things.

Avery says, "MAMAMAMAMAMAMAMAMA." It's in all caps because she only yells it at me. And her dad. 

Avery is a pre-gymnast. She throws herself back and starts kicking her legs over to flip. She will be receiving a "preschool playtime" gymnastics 10 class punch card for her birthday.

Avery loves to terrorize her brother, Auto. He's still scared of her/hoping she will be moving out soon, so she decided that chasing him around and giving him near heart attacks on a daily basis was a good idea.

She laughs at us when we tell her, "no." 

Avery gives really good kisses. She'll even slip you some tongue if you're lucky. And she likes to kiss babies. She actually just wants to collect all the babies. She was eyeing a newbie last night when we were out to eat. 

Still feeding herself all sorts of foods. Mostly bread at the moment. Oh and those gross squeezie fruit things. She likes those too. For now. A few days ago she only like black olives, so yeah.

Curly hair. 

Um, that's it I think.

Oh. And Avery does not like Abe Lincoln.

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