Friday, December 21, 2012

always eat dessert first

I woke up this morning to not-so-nasty-second-day hair and a seemingly growing pile of snow outside so I decided, "what better way to start my morning than to not wash my hair, make a smoothie, and leave early for work so no dumbasses hit my car?"
So I didn't wash my hair.
And I made a smoothie.
And I left my house 5 minutes early.
But the point of this post is not my hair (which looks fab, by the way, in my voluminous messy bun) or my uneventful drive to work. Oh no. The point of this post is the fabulousness that was my smoothie.
So, not to toot my own horn, but I can make a mean smoothie. Well, a pretty nice and agreeable one. I post photos of my best ones on my Instagram (which is @heatherstern if you are at all interested), but I usually don't include an actual recipe...ingredients, yes. Measurements, no. Because I don't measure. But I'm going to work on this because I have a few friends that would love to replicate my blended cups of deliciousness.
Lately I've had a pretty intense sweet tooth, maybe because I'm pregnant, maybe because I just love things that have the potential to make me fat. Either way, sweet it is right now. So in order to satisfy the little dessert-loving demon inside me (yes, I sometimes call my unborn child a demon, and no, I do not feel bad. You gotta admit, a moving parasitic entity inside your belly is pretty demon-like, but I love her all the same), I created a healthy dessert-ish breakfast smoothie to end my tummy grumbles.
Totally Oats 'n Choco-Raspberry-licious Protein Smoothie
1/2 cup oats
1 1/2 cup frozen raspberries
2 tbs cocoa powder
2 tbs vanilla protein powder
1 cup unsweetened plain almond milk (or whatever kind of milk you prefer. I like unsweetened nut milks because otherwise I find my smoothies too sweet, and that's no good)
1. Grind up your oats in the blender first (or else you will give yourself a headache trying to suck giant oat clumps up a me, no fun).
2. Add the raspberries to your ground oats. Sometimes I like to microwave my frozen fruit for 30 seconds to 1 minute, just so they will blend better...and because I'm too lazy to wait. So do what you want there, and blend those babies together!
3. Next, add your cocoa powder, protein powder, and milk. And blend, duh.
And you're done with your super-filling deliciously dessert-like breakfast smoothie.
Oh and if you don't have a cute, awesome single-serve blender like mine, you should totes get one!


  1. My god I love you so much. I've only read one post but I just laughed out loud at work. This if why you're my bff.

    1. lolololol I'm really excited that you commented!
