Saturday, December 22, 2012

bulking up baby

Last night, I went to bed feeling like absolute shit. I slathered Vicks Vapor Rub all over myself, took some Tylenol Cold, ate some gummy vitamin C's, and took some of this handy dandy stuff (recipe is on my instagram @heatherstern, or right in the photo if you can read it, and I may include it in a future post):   


The cayenne in this stuff is so potent, it can pretty much just burn your sore throat away.

I went to bed after all of this, thinking "great, my weekend/holiday is going to be ruined because my immune system can't get its life together."

But I woke up feeling alright. Which was awesome.

Anyway - the point of this post is not that I was feeling like complete shit when I went to bed...the point is that when I woke up, I was starving, and that means that I can present you with yet another hunger-defying tasty/proteiny smoothie recipe!

Since becoming pregnant, I have to admit that I have not been eating as well as I should be. I don't have any particular cravings but I really like take-out. I mean, there are some days that I would rather cut off my foot than eat what is in our house. And my husband, the chicken-nugget-pizza-and-ketchup-is-a-wholesome-meal guy, indulges my every wish - because it gives him an excuse to eat crap too. 

Weekend mornings, however, are a different story. On the weekends (Saturdays mostly) I make plans - usually shopping and/or lunch with someone, but sometimes just hanging around at my parent's house (where they feed me all of their food and my dog can run around in the yard), or doing some work around my own house. 

But baby don't give a shit if I have stuff to do. Baby's gotta eat about every 2 hours - which means mama has to stop what she's doing and eat every 2 hours. Ugh.

So on the weekends, I make myself a protein packed breakfast that will last me until my next meal - it's usually more than a normal person should/could eat in one sitting, but if I eat it all, I can last 4-6 hours without stopping for a snack or having my purse filled with granola bars and bananas (sometimes I still need that granola bar though - hey, I'm pregnant here).

This morning, I made myself:

The Man Smoothie (Bananas and Nuts)

1 banana
A handful of cinnamon roasted almonds
2 tbs vanilla protein powder
1/4 cup natural peanut butter
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup unsweetened plain almond milk (as always, use whatever kind of milk you want - I just prefer this)

1. For this smoothie, I just threw everything into the blender at once. However, you may want to grind up your almonds first...I had a bit of my smoothie left over, and when I dumped it, half-processed almonds fell out. You want to get all the nutrients possible from those babies - so grind away before you add all the other stuff!


2. Blend blend blend! Then pour into a prettier glass if you wish. Sometimes I like to chill my smoothie in the freezer while I make the rest of my breakfast...I did just that this time.

With this delicious smoothie (that, in my opinion, tastes pretty damn close to banana bread) I cooked me up some extra protein to keep me (and baby) happy until lunch time:

Egg/cheese sandwiches and grapefruit have become a staple for me during the second trimester of my pregnancy - baby girl seems to like them just as much as I do.

Ok, so this is a lot of food and I struggled to eat all of it (like I said, I couldn't finish the last bit of my smoothie). But when that 2 hour mark hits...I won't be starving to death and stuffing my face with whatever is closest (which at this time of year would be cookies, candy, and other delicious, fattening things - and I definitely did not deprive myself of these at work this week...oops).

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