Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Avery is 2 months old!

Wow! I cannot believe that my little chickpea is TWO MONTHS OLD! Two months! Time seems to have gone so fast, yet it seems like much longer since my belly was huge with only a 5 pound baby. 

Being a mom gets more amazing every day - just seeing her new little smile lights up my world, and I can't imagine my life any differently. Although going back to work has been easy for me, that doesn't mean that I don't miss being with Avery every second of the day! My mom watches her (and brother Auto) during the week and she sends me pictures of my little one throughout the day! 

Avery had her 2 month check up at the pediatrician yesterday - and she's still such a little peanut! 

9 lbs 5.5 oz (under the 25%)
23 inches long (in the 50% - tall girl for her weight!)
14 3/4 in head circumference (between the 25% and 50%)

This doctor visit was pretty intense - Avery got her shots and mama cried with her! Poor baby got 3 shots in her sweet little leggies and cried harder than she ever has before - even harder than when she came out of me! Though that was hard, I'm really happy to know that she is right on track with everything and is happy and healthy.

Here's what's new with out little sweetie pie:

1. Smiles! Avery started smiling about 2 weeks ago. She knows mommy and daddy and smiles when we come into a room and when we boop her nose! 

2. Kisses! Avery gives "kisses" (really she's just trying to eat our face, but we like to think its kissies!) and we love them, even though they are slobbery!

3. Avery takes showers with daddy - and LOVES it! We tried to give her baths, but she loves the water so much that she wiggles a bunch (and wet babies are HARD to hold onto) and gets mad when we are (all 3 of us) slipping and sliding all over the place. A shower is SO much easier and Avery loves the water beating down on her itty bitty tushy!

4. Our bedtime routine has finally figured itself out: starting at 9pm - shower (only twice a week right now) or wipe down, night time diaper (big ol' booty), jammies, reading time, bottle, and snuggles. Avery sleeps from 10-2:30/3 in her crib then from then until 5 in her swing (or crib again, but rarely). Seth and I switch on and off nights and its been working out great!

5. Cloth diapers finally fit that little booty! We've had to try a few different techniques, but they work and we love them! It feels so much better to not be spending money on diapers every week and the laundry load is totally manageable (2-3 times per week)! During the day, Avery wears a pad-folded prefold in a cover (sometimes with another, larger prefold jelly-roll wrapped and snappied over the pad-folded one if she's having a heavy wetting day) during the day and a fitted cloth diaper with a  rumparooz snap newborn cover (LOVE these) at night - we don't need to change her at night because the fitted works so well!

6. Our morning routine is going well! Since I've gone back to work, Seth and I wake up at 5 and Avery gets up between 5 and 5:30. Seth dresses her and feeds her while I get dressed, then we all kiss goodbye and he takes her and Auto to gramma's house for the day. I pick them up after work.

7. Avery can hold her head up pretty well and her new favorite game is "standing" - she pushes up with her legs off of our bellies and stands up...then slowly lowers herself back down after a minute or two.

8. Avery loves to sit up and look out like a big girl! 

9. Avery still fits in the newborn hold in our wrap, and loves to cuddle with mama in it. I can put her in there and she will snuggle in and fall right asleep!

10. She is such a good girl when we go out! 

11. Avery is still wearing newborn sized clothes (and some preemie pants lol) but can fit into a few 0-3 month sizes (but I'm pretty sure I shrunk those when I prewashed them).

12. The tongue. Avery has discovered it and is so amazed that she can stick it out! She looks like a little puppy dog with her tongue hanging out all the time (not to mention, she pants like one too!)

13. Avery loves being naked! Every time we put her on her changing table she gets so excited - kicking her legs all over the place! She just loves to be a nakey baby!

We love our little peanut so much - happy two month birthday, baby girl!

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