Monday, June 24, 2013

My new BFF - Kale

Kale is seriously my new favorite super-food ever ever. I have to say that since I've been consuming kale at least 5 times per week for the past 3 weeks, my postpartum anxiety has subsided and I just feel better. There are so many nutrients in kale that if you eat it regularly, it can only do good for your body. The magnesium, in particular, has amazing properties that help with anxiety and depressive tendencies - so eat your greens!

So far, I've only used kale in my morning smoothies. I haven't yet ventured into the world of kale chips and salads (the chips I could do, the salads I'm a little wary of because the texture of the leaves still freaks me out a bit). 

Here's the kale breakfast smoothie that  I'm currently digging: 

Almost-PiƱa-Colado Super Smoothie

(Makes 10(!!!) servings to freeze!)

1 bunch of kale, chopped (Trader Joe's also offers bagged, chopped kale for $1.99 a bag and one bag is enough for 10 smoothies - whatta deal!)
2 bags frozen pineapple chunks (Trader Joe's is also awesome for this - 2 bags at a cheap price!)
10 tbs chia seeds
10 tbs coconut oil
2 1/2 cups coconut water
5 cups almond milk

Each bag will get 1 cup of kale and 1 cup of pineapple chunks - freeze these and they are ready to go in the morning!

In the AM:

Blend - 

1 bag frozen kale and pineapple chunks
1 tbs chia seeds
1 tbs coconut oil
1/4 cup coconut water
1/2 cup almond milk

Make sure you blend this really well, or you will get yucky kale-chunks, and no one wants that. 


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