Monday, January 13, 2014

Avery is 9 months old!

Avery has now been out in the world for (about) the same amount of time she was in my belly! And my, is she such a big girl!

We went to the pediatrician yesterday and our little girl is getting big!

17 lbs. 13.5 oz. (a little under the 50th percentile) and 28 (!!!) inches (75-90th percentile). She's our tall and skinny little one (but she still got some thunder thighs!). 

Avery is eating more now - she eat just about an entire serving of whatever we are having for dinner (or lunch or breakfast). She loves bread still and her fruit and loves to slurp noodles!

She's standing on her own more and more...I'm sure we will have a walker within the next few months.

Avery is now a skilled crawler - she can get places so quickly, we have to keep a close eye on her. Her favorite location in our house is the bathroom, where she likes to takes baths, sit in an empty bay to play with her bath toys and flush the toilet.

Avery also loves playing in mommy's closet!

She's going through a little "mommy only" phase right now - she has little interest in being with her daddy unless it's to cuddle right before she falls asleep on the couch. Daddy's not too happy with it, but I'm sure this will pass!

Avery LOVES water and drinks it all throughout the day from a sippy cup.

I think we have a little gymnast on our hands - Avery loves to be tossed around and flipped upside down!

The pointer finger has come out! Avery enjoys poking everything with her little finger. 

She (kinda) knows what 'no' means - Avery likes to touch things and when you tell her 'no' she stops, turns around clasping her hands together, smiles (and sometimes claps) then usually continues doing what she was not supposed to be doing. She's so darn cute though!

Avery likes to yell back at Auto when he barks.

She loves attention from anyone who will give it!

Avery has sprouted a top tooth...and now grinds her 3 little teeth together. It's a repulsive noise. We try to distract her with doesn't work.

We are still bed sharing every night. Sometimes it's a little difficult because now Avery is kicking in her sleep instead of just tossing and turning, but I still love having her close at night.

I can't believe that we will have a one year old in 3 short months! Avery is so teeny still, it's hard to imagine! As of right now, we are just planning a day outing with the 3 of us and then cake with family later. Avery has everything she needs and wants right now so we don't feel the need to throw her a big party. We'd rather give her more experiences than toys she won't even play with at this point. 

After writing this, I can't even wait to get home and get some of those big, wet, tongue-kisses from our little girl!

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