Thursday, January 2, 2014


Resolutions. Ugh. Everyone makes them, almost no one follows through, myself included. Why? Why is it so hard to follow through with a resolution? I don't have an answer. Maybe it's because...what the hell is a resolution in terms of bettering yourself? 

According to the Miriam-Webster online dictionary:


: the act of finding an answer or solution to a conflict, problem, etc. : the act of resolving something

: an answer or solution to something

: the ability of a device to show an image clearly and with a lot of detail

Well, we can pretty much rule out the last definition, unless of course you are a device that made a resolution to improve your resolution. Erm.

The other two defs - hm. I guess of you think of it in terms of (for example) I'm overweight so my resolution is to work on losing weight by doing A, B and C...then that works.

Would we be more effective though if we welcomed each new year with a set of specific GOALS rather than a vague resolution? 

Probably not. But I'm gonna give it a go anyway.

My GOALS for 2014:

1. Adopt improved eating habits: why do we have to specifically label ourselves per the way we eat? "I'm a vegan," good for you! "I'm a vegetarian," go you! "I'm a pescatarian," aw so sad, you're not as good as those other folk, "omnivore, but paleo, of course," well la-dee-da. I'm done with that. Healthy eating. That's it for me. Now, my definition of healthy eating is probably different from someone else's, but that's ok. I'm not looking to be defined by my diet (but the wannabe part of me really envies those Vegans).

2. I'm not even putting working out on this list. Pfffft. Maybe I'll walk some. 

3. Take more photos! Whether it be of my own kid or scheduled sessions (which would be awwwwesome!), I just want to get some more practice.

4. Deep clean my house and keep up on the cleaning! This will involve my husband whether he likes it or not. I'm so sick of living in a cluster-fuck of clutter.

5. Work on updating our home. Or just buy a new one. 

6. Do more things as a family. Now that Avery is getting older, we can start planning some family adventures. 

7. Improving my relationship with my husband. I hope this is on his list too. Things have been so busy lately (which isn't really an excuse) and we've lost not only time to ourselves but time with each other. It would be nice to just get back into that happy/excited phase. We need to have more fun. And maybe put down the remote control and candy crush in the evenings. 

8. Read more books! Better yet - renew my damned library card so my kid and I can spend time in the library. It's been too long.

Those are my main goals for 2014 - did you set goals too or are you just sticking with the vague resolutions? No judgement here ;)

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