Tuesday, May 21, 2013


I'm at my mom's house today just hangin' around. Since everyone here is napping except for me (she babysits 2 little girls), I thought I'd do a food post since they've been few and far between lately. 

On a side note: Caillou is SUCH a little bitch. I hate that show so much and I'm being forced to watch it right now. He has NO clothes to wear! Dude, you are like 4 years old. You wear what your parents give you. End. Of. Story. Gawd. 

Anyway, I raided my parents refrigerator and pantry looking for something edible for lunch. Nothing really exciting there. So I remembered my healthy days prior to getting pregnant - I used to be good at throwing a random healthy meal together! Here's what I came up with (used to be a staple at my house when I couldn't find anything else for dinner):

Fiesta Scramble

2 eggs (you can use more if you want. This was for lunch so I only used 2, but for dinner would use 3-4) (tofu for veggie option!)
1/2 can Trader Joes Cajun style back beans, drained and rinsed (you can use more if you use more eggs)
1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese 
1/4 cup salsa 
1 tbs butter (or Earth Balance or coconut oil for healthier options...neither were available today)
Salt and pepper to taste
(You could also add spinach, peppers or other veggies to this)

1. Scramble your eggs - I usually add a little water to make them fluffier...like a tbs at most.
2. Heat your pan and melt butter in pan. Add your scrambled eggs and beans to the pan, along with any other veggies you choose to use.
3. After eggs are thoroughly cooked, remove from heat and add cheese, salt and pepper.
4. Once the eggs are on your plate, add your salsa of choice, mix it up, and scarf it down!

I love making these scrambles because there are so many different combinations and you can use pretty much whatever you have lying around. Avocado would be yummy with this recipe also. Use white beans, tomato, basil, and Parmesan and Italian seasoning for a Tuscan style! Ooooohhhhh! I need to make that one next time ;)

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