Friday, May 10, 2013

the truth

The past month has been really eye opening. In addition to learning that some things don't go as planned, I've learned that in order to take care of others, you need to take care of yourself first and that no one is perfect. Aside from this - I have a perfect, healthy and happy little girl! Avery has already brought so much joy to my life and even though I'm still facing some issues, she is a constant reminder that although I'm not perfect, I am enough. 

Anyway, this post is going to be about the truth - the truth about childbirth and motherhood (so far) based on my experiences. A little sneak peek for the moms-to-be who read my blog (if there are any of you put there). So here's a disclaimer: don't continue reading if you don't want to know about girl parts and poop and if you don't like obscene language. Okay?  So now that that's taken care of, I'll begin. I think this would be easiest in list form:

1. Planning is just that, planning. Plans are not set in stone, so don't expect them to be. When I say that nothing I planned for my pregnancy, delivery, and even after that has gone as planned, OBVIOUSLY I'm exaggerating. But did most of my plans work out? Hell no! Was/am I disappointed? Of course! But I'm slowly getting over it. Things that didn't end up working out as planned for me: a healthy, problem-free pregnancy, a natural delivery, breastfeeding. In my book, these were HUGE things. I'm still dealing with a little bit of stress/anxiety from quitting breastfeeding. But everything worked out in the end and a healthy, happy baby is all that matters.

2. Childbirth hurts. I mean, it FUCKING hurts. I had a freaking epidural and I still wanted to rip out my uterus with my bare hands. All the blah blah blah about forgetting the pain and it all being worth it may be true, but don't let anyone kid you into thinking that it won't fucking hurt so bad...because it does.

3. Some women poop when giving birth, I'm assuming this happens when they are pushing. Did you know that you can shit yourself the entire fucking time you're in labor? I didn't. I do now. 

4. Ice chips are your friend. Eat them. Even better, have someone feed them to you. Your throat will still dry out completely and you'll have cotton mouth from breathing so hard you might burst a lung. But at least you can think about chewing ice for a second. 

5. After you birth your bundle of joy, you actually don't feel the doctor messing around in your junk, stitching it up and whatnot. People actually got that part right. Your baby will be all you see at that point - it's magical, I mean that (the baby, not the stitching of your junk).

6. I never knew a vagina could swell up so much. Maybe it was because I was bedridden, but seriously. It felt like I had ginormous balls between my legs when I finally stood up. But don't freak out - it went down a lot after that first day.

7. Your vagina WILL go back to normal! Yay for normalness!

8. Breastfeeding is HARD. Like, really. I had way too many issues so I made myself quit - it was best for both me and Avery. But don't get me wrong, if you can provide it, breast milk is best for your baby. 

9. Sometimes I go an entire day without knowing what I did all day. Seth will come home and be like, "what did you get done today?" And I'm all like, "I kept the kid alive, what more do you want from me?!" Seriously. I will have a pile of dishes and laundry undone and will not have turned on the tv all day, yet I still felt like I did ALL THE THINGS. It's weird.

10. Baby don't give a shit what you want. For real - they don't know and they don't care. You are there to serve them, and it's ok because baby snuggles. Duh.

11. Post partum depression is real. It's not a joke. It's why I had to give up breastfeeding - I noticed myself acting differently, I wasn't bonding with my baby, I cried more than one night per week, alone, holding my baby. I noticed this soon enough that I could fix it myself.  But if you have thoughts of hurting yourself, your baby, or anyone else then please, please, please seek professional help. 

12. Motherhood is the greatest gift. Do what you need to do in order to enjoy every second with your little one. If that means changing your plans so you can be happy, so be it. There is nothing more precious than the time you have with your little one. 

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