Thursday, March 28, 2013

a chill project

Our refrigerator is weird. And disorganized. I mean, the outside is. The inside is alright. Anyway, if you've been to our house, you know that it's small and that our refrigerator makes a wall for our living room. Ugh. I don't have a picture, although I really should have taken one so that if you haven't been over, you would know what I mean. It's ugg. I hate it. And I've refused to utilize the living room side of the fridge for magnets and other stuff, so the kitchen side of the fridge gets a bit overcrowded and well, ugly.

Since my legs have been swelling up every day of my life (since about 2 weeks ago), I've become bored with "taking it easy" so I decided to organize the side of my fridge. I know - not a big project, but it gave me something to do last Friday night when I was home alone.

Unfortunately, I don't have a before picture of the mess that was the side of my refrigerator, but just imagine a bunch of stuff stuck to it and a calendar that was stuck on November 2012. Yeah.

What I came up with instead includes: an updated calendar, designated places for my grocery list, coupons and weekly meal plan, and a cute set up with clothes pins and string for photos that we like to keep in view.

I'm hoping that once Avery is here, we can take a trip to the Target dollar bins and find some cute magnetic organizers to make this look a bit more pulled together, but until then this is what we have:

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